
Monday, July 11, 2022

Santa Paula West Ridge

Looking down upon Santa Paula Canyon (Last Chance Trail)

Back In May Mike and I took an exploratory first run on the Santa Paula West Ridge toward the Peak. Something we had been discussing for some time. With full permission we departed from the Thomas Aquinas school Parking lot. Our first mile or so before gaining the ridge was on private property. Should you attempt this run do not park on the school grounds or cross the private property zone without prior approval, security will bust you. 

Initial ridge gain was a bit of brush buster. We really didn't choose the easiest path up as we were instructed to stay out of certain zones. At the expense of some extra pain we did indeed make sure to honor those commitments. About half way up I almost stepped on a Rattlesnake. Inches away from a direct hit, perhaps my saving grace was the little guy was still curled up in the shade enjoying the morning slumber. 

Well Camouflaged 

Hines Peak center stage

Damn Tourists 

The run up the ridge was about as to be expected. Long, brushy, difficult in places, all uphill, slow going and snaky. That said we enjoyed it. I wouldn't want it any other way. Did we make it all the way to SP Peak? That would be a big negative. Around the 5 mile mark and just under a mile from the summit we turned it around. Knowing we just were not gonna have the daylight to get it done. That last section up to the peak is intense. A fast hiker with an earlier start could see it through. 

Some Crawling required

Santa Paula West Ridge

Very snaky afternoon

Total stats on the day had us at about 10.3 well earned miles and approximately 4500 foot elevation gain. The photos below show our turn around point and a detailed view of that last treacherous section up to Santa Paula Peak. 

Our end point N34.43685° W119.02215°

Santa Paula Peak

Cienega be down yonder


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  1. Damn you were close. Nice effort!

    1. Thanks Mike. I’ll go back and finish the job one of these days.

  2. Great job! Next time the summit!

  3. Holy Moly.... Snakie hick but beautiful photos.

  4. Is that a change in policy? The last time I went this way was over a decade ago but you'd park on the road outside the gate and then just walk in. I didn't see any security at all.

  5. Hi F they re-routed trail up SP canyon and no longer want folks parking and or walking through the school grounds.

  6. Looked like an awesome day. Been wanting to try that route for a few months. That photo of the section up to the summit reminds me of Cara Blanca. We climbed it a few months back.

  7. Probably hit up Cara Blanca this Fall, when I mosey up the Bald Hills Trail. Thanks for the reminder on that Shirt and Tie Adventures.

  8. Well said Larry.. "Next time the summit!"

  9. Dang!.. so close yet so far. Is the possibility of staying overnight not an option? I'm sure on your next run at it you'll reach the summit

  10. Hey Terra Staying overnight is an option there is a wonderful flat up there right about here N34.43569° W119.03022°. That said there is no water so would be a haul. Now that I have a feel for it a second run should not be a problem at all.

  11. Good stuff brother. Always wanted to hit that route but in reverse starting at the peak. Love the photos thanks for sharing

  12. Good to hear from you Reece. I'm down to hit that in reverse. Let me know when your ready pal.
