
Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Back to Borracho


Campo Borracho, my old nemesis. For those who follow these posts your aware I missed it the last time around and by a heartbreaking 25 feet. My obsession with locating old camps would all but guarantee another visit. I just needed a new plan and one that did not include a grueling push back up the AB in spring when the overgrowth is atrocious. Previous searching under those conditions was a bad idea. The far northern, abandoned section of  the Agua Blanca Trail (19W10) that once descended the western drainage from the Cobblestone Mountain Saddle down to Borracho and beyond was destroyed in the 2006 Day Fire. Making any such search progress in the vicinity challenging to say the least.
1967 LPNF recreation map showing the route from atop Sewart Mountain down 19W12 to Borracho

By all accounts I was convinced that right at the camp proper would be a guaranteed year around water supply even when the rest of the drainage was bone dry. Looking at the 67 map one afternoon and remembering a 20 year old story Kim Coakley once recited it hit me. Drop in from the historic 19W12 connector (been on my to do list anyways) starting at the upper Buck Creek trailhead and instead of hacking our way through every semi flat, overgrown spot holding promise, just bushwhack right smack in the middle of the drainage until we hit water. My thought in theory was such that once we find the water we should be able to find Borracho. Not only would this idea narrow down the search perimeter it would also put us in just over 4 miles from the car so in the event that the water theory was incorrect we could always just turn around and head back out making for a superb day hike. Plan set and crew assembled we were off. 

If you were wondering yes beer stays cold in the trunk on ice for several days at 6400'

Upper Buck Creek TrailheadN34.63829° W118.91993°

Pitstop on the Summit of Sewart Mountain

A cold morning and howling winds had us wasting no time at the trailhead. Covering this upper section in previous posts I wont go into much detail other than to say we followed the old road cut (6N10) just under a mile up to the summit of Sewart Mountain before descending the Big Cedar Creek Trail (19W05) for another .7 of a mile to the junction with what is now considered the start of the Buck Creek Trail (18W01).  

Buck Creek Trail junction - N34.63858° W118.89998°

From the trailhead to the Upper Buck junction and beyond in my opinion afford some of the most picturesque views you'll encounter in the Los Padres. The long car ride up sorta sucks but the views definitely make up for it. I can't emphasize enough how enjoyable it is. If you have not already do yourself the service and come poke around up here on the mountain top, you wont regret it. Moving along hang a hard right and follow a "finely manicured" Buck Creek trail just over a mile to the battered sign post pictured below. I'll note that Finely manicured and Buck Creek trail are normally not associated in the same sentence together. That said a large group of motorcycle enthusiasts are currently maintaining the trail. Inside the Wilderness boundary, armed with chainsaws and loppers they push on. By no means do I condone any such nefarious behavior, that said in a world where our once beautiful hiking trails off the slopes of Sewart now get zero funding and no maintenance I'll leave it for you to decide whether you think they are justified or not. I did not chat with them and I have no evidence to back this claim but if I was a betting man I'd say they might just be trying to open that trail again all the way through to Hardluck. No small task.

19W12 connector sign, maybe? - N34.62995° W118.89257°

I've often pondered the mystery of this here sign, it's placement aligns precisely with where all the former maps indicate the 19W12 connector trail may have dropped in. Yes it could be just some other random trail sign however that would make it's location a very a strange coincidence. The true route this short trail once followed has been a source of frustration for me as I have yet to see a legit Topo showing it's exact former path and the LP recreation maps do not provide that kind of detail. Commonly you can see from other maps and the 67 map at the top of this post they all appear to show the trail dropping down the ravine and closely following the creek drainage. Trails in ravines do not fare well in the Los Padres so if this was the case why put it there in the first place when you have a beautiful ridge .3 of a mile further up the trail one can descend? Ridge trails tend to maintain themselves so to me it makes more sense that 19W12 might have originally followed the ridge route. Or perhaps it was just a case of being built in an era where endless trail maintenance was not an issue and having the option of nice switchbacks for stock travel down a meandering ravine was of more importance. I don't have the answer and sorry for the rambling on here. Needless to say as bad as I wanted to just jump into the brushy abyss beyond that busted post and see for myself I felt not the need to subject my friends to that sort of torture as it looked just downright nasty.

Center ridgeline which runs into the S bend down in the drainage marks Borracho.

With that out of the way at the 3.2 mile mark (N34.62667° W118.88875°) we made our decent down the ridge. Without a doubt I now believe this to be the best way down. Most of the ridge is open and when not a path can easily be found with only minimal bushwhacking. There are a few semi steep sections but by Los Padres standards not too bad. After reaching the bottom another .2 of a mile and your at Borracho. Grand total one way about 4.4 miles.

Upside-down and halfway buried this sole ice can stove was all that marked the former camp.

Borracho Camp precisely where all the old FS maps indicated - N34.61467° W118.89630°

One can almost bath in that pool.

We had walkies so as to split up and cover more ground. Kim and I stuck to the creek while Jeff patrolled the higher southern bank. As expected the drainage was dry, very dry, almost to the point of being unrecognizable as last time around I was fully knee deep in the same spot. I'm not gonna lie the longer we searched the more I started to second guess my water theory. I did have some confidence though if it was gonna be anywhere it would probably be in the S curve of the canyon where last time through I clearly recall it being deeper and having the strongest flow. After some time the radio crackled, it was Jeff saying "we got water here and a lot of it." My heart sank in my chest I knew right where he was. My response "let me guess your on flat at the bend in the creek." "Yep that's where I'm at." I searched that exact spot last time around feeling it had to be buried somewhere in the immediate vicinity, could I really have missed it? At that point I was approaching Jeff's location but slowly in a zig zag pattern inspecting a thick patch of Rose Thorn while prodding with a trekking pole every few inches. Once more the radio crackled "I think we got a stove." With that I stopped prodding and made haste toward Jeff. There it was a little trail perpendicular the creek, hidden last time under poison oak that led right to the stove. I couldn't believe it we just found Borracho less then a few hundred feet from where Kim and I last camped. 

This old Photo above courtesy Carol day well before the Day fire shows Borracho as it once was. The current state of affairs can be seen in the photos below. Most of that flat bank is now sloped and has been eroded to a fraction of its former size. The main drainage center frame intersects a side drainage coming in from the left of this photo which has widened from heavy rains and debris flow. This action has unfortunately diminished even more of the once available flat space. The whole site now sits under a massive amount of Blackberry Bramble. Rose thorn, Poison Oak and deadfall. 

Plainly anyone can see here that Borracho was trashed. We may have only been a few seasons away from ever finding that stove again. A tractor and or some enormous volunteer effort would be needed to even consider restoring the original flat. We had a shovel, a single Pulaski and one Mcleod. Even if the bank was rebuilt and those obnoxious plants cleared away they would most likely just grow right back. I can't stress enough when I say this that a very tough decision was made to move the camp directly across the creek and up on the bench. Only by last resort would I even consider moving a historic camp. Kim and I deeply struggled with this decision however both agreed in the end it was the only choice we had if we were to keep the memory alive and to preserve this once great camp for future generations to enjoy. Pictured below is the new Borracho. The camp is now in a pristine location that should survive long after we are gone. Best of all you can still sit by the fire and gaze nostalgically down upon the original site. 

Camp taking shape. Still a virgin fire pit as I always seem to end up in the best places during fire restrictions. 

We left a pile of fire wood and all the tools onsite for future use. A big thanks to the Los Padres Forest association for the tool donation. Very generous of you. 
New camp coordinates -  N34.61483° W118.89585°

I forgot the customary REI gift card so Kim proposed we leave some cash. Jeff donated his Nalgene to protect the goods and we stashed the new register in the ice can stove. If your the first here after us please sign the book and congrats on the 50 bucks. 

Moon rising over Borracho

Included in my track below for download was a side trip we took exploring the western ridge to Cobblestone mountain. You can basically take off right from camp and head up the hill. We pondered the notion of taking it all the way to the peak however after about a half mile the Ceanothus gates of hell slammed shut on us. But that didn't matter we thoroughly enjoyed the morning walk and were gifted with incredible views of the Agua Blanca Drainage. Highly recommend that anyone reading this take the same path. Real pretty up there. 

Climbing the western ridge of Cobblestone Mountain

After a fine couple of nights it was time to head on out the same way in which we entered. The elevation gain from Borracho back to the Buck Creek trail is approximately 1,675 feet in just over a mile. Add another 1200' or so with some up and downs back to the Summit of Sewart and you got yourself a real good climb. I can't remember exactly but I want to say it took around 3 hours to get back to the car. To Kim Coakley and Jeff Wright I appreciate you both, cant do these camp restorations without your assistance. Thanks gentlemen. I'll end with this I hope others continue to use this camp going forward. I see no reason not to now that a very reasonable route has been shared here to a great little spot with year round water that you can enjoy I'd bet exclusively all to yourselves. Much of the traffic across the Los Padres gets concentrated in the same areas, on the same trails. There is so much more out there to experience if your willing to get off the beaten path. If your on the fence don't be, just go for it.

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Sunday, July 11, 2021

Antimony Peak to Pleito Creek Campground

Well Summers here and it's blasted hot as usual. The masses are swarming the last remaining water holdouts and the more well known high ground sights are seeing their fair share of visitors. Looking to avoid both the heat and the crowds I devised a route popular only with the wild deer population (to which we spooked a few). Before we get started here some have asked so I will addressee my lack of online presence a bit. One I have been extremely busy with work (unfortunately) and personal affairs. Two I'm still battling the thoughts of ditching the digital world all together. I feel each post gets harder to write as time passes. The words don't flow as they once did. I cherish my backcountry adventures and they will go on until I part this world, however that said I'm just not sure how long I can keep up the blog. I know there are a few of you out there that really enjoy these pages and for you I am doing my best to continue as they would say "putting pen to paper." Will see how it goes.

Pleito Creek 21W01 Trail-Head Parking N34° 51' 06.1" W119° 04' 18.1"

I don't know about you all but I like loops and will almost always strive for one over the out and back. This one was a blast and really not all that difficult, if you can handle a little off trail action. First up was to Summit Antimony Peak. There are several parking and various mileage options for this. We choose to take off from the Pleito Creek Trail-head. (4.4 miles to the top of Antimony). If your just planning to summit you can drive approximately 2.5 miles further along West Tecuya 9N19 to the end of the road that will put you within 2 miles of reaching the peak. Up here high clearance vehicle is recommended. 

Cuddy Valley. I could stare at this forever

Road walking, yeah sorta boring but not so much here. This 2.5 mile stretch of West Tecuya follows a fairly level grade and provides outstanding views of Cuddy Valley. A place I would happily pack up and move to if my daily commute were not so shitty 😢. A guy can dream though right ?

End of the road for motor vehicle traffic. This was not always the case but as things change it is now. The turnout here at: N34° 51' 41.9" W119° 06' 10.0" provides a small fire ring with plenty of parking. Just beyond the gated fencing (open for foot traffic) the old road is now a trail and a nice one by LP standards.  

Head on down just to shortly head back up.

From the turn out descend about a mile through the pines as it unfortunately heads downhill. Counterintuitive to the goal at hand. An open gate marks what may have been the former end of the road. Older maps label this route as 21W21. The summit use trail is a short butt kicker but for the most part in great shape and easily followed. We lost it for a minute not paying attention but quickly regained it. I would even bet an adventurous sole could still get stock to the top if they were so inclined to give it a go but don't quote me on that.    

1967 Los Padres National forest recreation map showing 21W21, Antimony Peak and Pleito Creek Campground. 

Antimony Peak

Eagle Rest Peak from the Antimony Saddle.

After about an 800 foot vertical accent you'll top out at a saddle with an awesome view of Eagle Rest Peak. From here a faint use trail will lead you the last remaining 600 feet or so to the summit proper. I must say I enjoyed Antimony Peak quite a bit. Haul up some water and the flat top provides plenty of room for a summers night under stars. Behold some big views of the Pinos ridge and Frazier Mountain (yes you can make out the tower) that pop at you through the conifers. Sign the summit register, breathe in the crisp clean air and just enjoy the views. When we arrived the old register book was nowhere to be found. I happened to have a small water proof note pad on me that I left as a replacement but I wasn't gonna leave my favorite pen. If your reading this and headed that way please bring an extra pen or pencil to drop thanks.

Looking toward Frazier Mountain

Antimony Summit N34° 52' 37.5" W119° 06' 44.3"

Done with the peak it was now time for the off trail good stuff. From here we would drop down the northeast ridge of Antimony (1.5 miles) to valley floor connecting with the end of the Pleito Creek OHV then after working that back uphill to the Car.  Hence forth completing the loop.

Easy wide open travel off the peak.

Within 500 feet of dropping off the summit is the large flat pictured above. We found fire ring remnants and plenty of cut logs. The site would be nice for an overnight group outing and I still think one could get pack stock up there. After the flat we continued to follow the ridgeline down. Our chosen path was mostly open with only a couple minor tight spots. (Got to love that about the high country). The last half mile or so does get steep so bring your poles and ski that MoFo. One thing to note you will want to drop in just to the east of the locked gate where Pleito Creek 21W01 ends or in our case begins. North west of that gate is private property in the hands of The Wind Wolves Preserve. You'll want to stay out of there. You can download and follow my track at the bottom of the post to help with that if needed. If you do follow my track I recommend staying even a bit further east within the last 200 feet to ensure you land on the proper side of the fence. 


On the large Flat is the gate. Make sure to land east of it. N34° 53' 07.3" W119° 05' 18.8"

Pleito Creek OHV

After satisfying a few curiosities in the vicinity and having the gate in our rear view we continued our way along the 4x4 road, easy to follow but all uphill. From the end of the OHV it's approximately 1.4 miles to Pleito Creek Campground. A lovely spot with exactly what we needed at the moment (flowing water). The spring pipe was running at about 30 seconds per liter. Lunch went down here on the provided picnic table in the shade while listing to the sound of the spring. Perfect! 

Pleito Creek Campground  N34° 52' 09.0" W119° 05' 19.5"
Target Practice

From the camp was another 2.4 miles to the trail-head. The ice chest with cold beverages came in handy as the day was hot. Not so much in the morning however the afternoon got up there. Total mileage for the loop was around 9.5. If you made it this far thanks for reading. 


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